So you’re new to makeup. And you don’t know how to use mascara. Well don’t worry because by the end of this article you are going to be on your way to mastering the art of mascara applying.
The first step to mastering mascara is to understand all the different types of mascara wands for application.
All The Different Types Of Mascara Wands

Each type of wand is going to give you a different look with your mascara.
1.) Basic Wand
This is the most common mascara wand perfect for beginners because it’s the easiest wand to apply mascara to your eyelashes. The bristles are thick which will give you tons of volume.
2.) Cone Tapered Wand
The tapered design allows for you to coat every lash because of the different sizes on the wand. For The smaller harder to reach lashes use the smaller side of the wand and for the outer part of your lashes us the larger side. The technique you want to use when applying is starting from the inside corner of your eye using up and down motions and slowly working your way outwards.
3.) Flat Comb Wand
This wand is going to give your lashes a lot of depth and because of its flat structure making sure that you coat your entire lash from the base to the end of the lash is going to be easier. This brush is perfect for avoiding the spidery clumpy look. If you are looking for more defined voluminous lashes a flat comb mascara wand is the perfect choice.
4.) Super Volume Wand
As you already know by the title, yes this wand is designed to give you Super Volume. Because the wand is bigger than the others it is going to give you lots of volume and really give you the false eyelash effect. If you are looking for a more dramatic eyelash look for an event or an everyday look this type of mascara wand you NEED.
5.) Thin Wand
A thin mascara wand is going to be perfect for your bottom lashes it’s going to apply as much product which can actually weigh down your bottom lashes and create smudging which can give you the raccoon eyes look that all of us try to avoid. It’s also going to be perfect for touching up your top lashes as well as separating the lashes in areas where they stick together.
6.) Round Tip Wand
This wand is perfect for giving you the ability to get those inner corner lashes or hard to reach lashes because you can hold the mascara vertically and use the tip to coat every lash. This wand allows you to give lots of detail to every single lash. It’s also great for your bottom lashes as you can hold it vertically and use the tip to go from left to right gently coating the lashes just to give the bottom lashes more detail and definition.
Now that you have an understanding of the different types of mascara wands it’s time to go over how to actually apply mascara.

Step 1.)
If you have straight eyelashes then curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curl then, proceed with the first step.
Before you apply the mascara make sure you remove any excess mascara on the mascara wand.
Then, put the mascara wand back into the mascara bottom then remove it to reveal a fresh moistened mascara wand.
Step 2.)
You want to hold your mascara wand horizontally and start from the inner corner of your eye and place the wand at the base of your eyelashes.
Step 3.)
Gently move the wand left to right while simultaneously moving the wand upwards.
Step 4.)
Do steps 2-3 on each section of your lashes until desired look is achieved.
You do not have to change what you want your lashes to look like just to achieve the “desired” look Whatever way you like your lashes is the way you should have them!
Let’s go over the difference between waterproof mascara and non-waterproof mascara.

Waterproof Mascara Vs Non-Waterproof Mascara
The difference between waterproof and non-waterproof mascara is all in the formula. One is meant for being able to stay in place when moisture is present and the other isn’t.
When Should I Use Waterproof Mascara?
You should be using waterproof mascara if you don’t want your mascara to smudge when you wear it all day long.
Another great example of when to use waterproof mascara is when you are in a humid climate or want to go swimming and wear makeup.
A good waterproof mascara should pass the splash test.
What’s The Splash Test?
Its when you splash your face with water and see if your mascara runs if it does. Then it’s not a very good waterproof mascara if doesn’t your good to go!

Now that we’ve gone over the difference between waterproof and non-waterproof mascara. Let’s go over the different colors of mascara

Black Mascara
If you are wanting to go for the classic mascara look no matter your eye color. Then Black mascara is the way to go. Black is such a universal color and will look great with any eye color. Depending on how dramatic of a look you are going for will vary of how many coats of mascara you apply. More dramatic look, then maybe add a few more coats until you get your desired look. If you are going for a more natural look one coat should do the trick.
Brown Mascara
Brown Mascara is going to give you a more natural look again. Anyone can wear brown mascara as it goes with any eye color. But it especially complements those who have blue or green eyes as it can bring a dramatic look without overpowering the color of their eyes. If you are going for a softer no makeup makeup look then brown mascara is the way to go. Or if you are going for a dramatic lip or eye shadow and want to balance it out with softer eyelashes then a deep rich brown mascara is the perfect choice to complete the look.
Purple Mascara
Purple mascara is the perfect pop of color on your lashes. It especially looks great on those with green, blue or hazel eyes. A purple mascara look would complement a lovely holiday look perfectly. Whether you are looking for a pop of color with a lighter purple or a more rich, dark look with more of a plum look purple mascara is definitely something you should experiment with.
Blue Mascara
Blue Mascara is such a bold look..But anyone can pull it off! But, If you have brown, green, or grey eyes blue mascara is going to really make your eyes pop. Now that not saying that if you don’t have these eye colors that you shouldn’t try blue mascara however, it complements those eye color very well. If you have darker eyelashes already start out with of brown or black mascara as a base for the blue mascara to really pop. Now go pick up a tube of blue mascara and see what types of looks you can create!
Now that we’ve gone over all the basics of mascara and by now you should have a pretty good understanding of what mascara to buy for your lashes and how to apply it. But we haven’t covered the best part! Removing it!
How to Properly Remove Mascara

Step 1.)
You want to use a makeup remover that is designed to remove eye makeup. There are many different products out there and many different techniques. Experiment with some and see which one works best for you.
Here are some makeup removal methods to test out
Oil Makeup Removal Method
An oil makeup removing product works great to remove mascara because the oil breaks down the mascara. You can use a cotton pad and dab some on on it and leave it on your eye for a few seconds so that it can work to break down the makeup on your lashes
Makeup Wipes Method
Makeup wipes may be the easiest way to remove mascara because there is no water or soap required. Take an already moisten wipe and place it on your eyes using a downward motion to break down the mascara.
Liquid Makeup Removal Method
Liquid makeup removal requires a cotton pad to remove your mascara. You can use liquid makeup removal if you find that the oil mascara remover irritates your eyes.
Soap And Water Method
If you find that the previous methods do not work for you Luke warm water and a mild soap meant for the face can work just fine for removing your mascara. Just make sure that you are only using soap that is meant for the face.
Step 2.)
Once you’ve decided on a makeup remover it’s time to remove the makeup. Regardless of the method it’s important to make sure you don’t get any removal product or mascara in your eyes. We suggest doing one eye at a time so you can see what you are doing.
Step 3.)
Now That you have both eye lashes clean of any mascara rem inits it’s time to pat dry with a towel. Careful around your eyes as you do not want to rub the area harshly as this can cause wrinkles. Finish off with an eye cream of your choice around the area to soothe your eyes after the removal of your mascara.
Welp.. you’ve made it to the end of the article and by now you should almost be an expert in all things mascara! For more tips and tricks on mascara you can visit our page that is dedicated to all the different mascara looks, tips, and tricks.